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  • rubysataraka

Tragedy Journal: 3.8.19

Updated: Apr 29, 2019

What is the biggest tragedy of your life of man kind?

Of course everyone has there ups and downs and challenges in life but so far in my life I haven’t been through very many big tragedys. But if I had to pick one, I would chose when my grandma got cancer. This was hard because it was so unexpected. My grandma is not very old and she’s healthy so no one expected it actually. She had some kind of cancer where her stomachs inflated and it was very painful and uncomfortable for her. She was on chemo therapy for a while and her hair started to fall out and my family had to visit the hospital a lot. Later on she had to get surgery to help remove what was causing the cancer and we had to wait awhile in the hospital during the surgery to see if it everything went as planned and after the surgery to see if it worked. Overall it was challenging because of all the waiting and being on edge.

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