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  • rubysataraka


1. The questions I struggled with the most were.....

what is the trait your most deplore in yourself?

what historical figure do you most identify with?

what is your greatest regret?

2. The answers I will probably change in the next five years....

what is the trait you most deplore in yourself?

I fee like this answer would always change depending on age and life in general.

what is your current state of mind?

Right now I am still in school and there’s a lot going on but I could be somewhere completely different by then.

which living person do you most despise?

I don’t despise anyone right now so in five years I will probably be in a different place and different events would have happened.

which word or phrases do you most overuse?

This already changes every month or less so it will defenitly change in 5 years

What or who is the greatest of your life?

I don’t have one right now but hopefully that will change in five years.

what do you consider your greatest achievemen?

what is your greatest regret?

3. The answers that surprised me the most were....

what your greatest fear?

what is your greatest extravagance

4. The questions I had an instinctual reaction to and could easily answer were....

5. Expand on one.....

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